小型接头 迫紧接头 小型止逆阀 小型过滤器 精密快速接头 快速接头
 工业过滤器  小型球阀,针阀,考克阀 抗菌接头 射流器 管材及管夹 精密快速接头
新品发布: + 安全快速接头 Dry Poppet Couplings 
  Miniature Tube Fittings
  Compression Fittings
  Check Valves
  In-Line Filters
  Quick Couplings/Disconnects
  Cam Lever Coupling
  Ball Valves,Neddle Valves,Stop
  Antimicrobial Tube Fittings
 We are marketing company specializing on promoting chemical resistant and corrosive resistant fitting which made by PP、NYLON、 PVDF, etc. Our products widely use by various kinds of industries; including fine chemical plant, and waste water treatment, PCB/IC/LCD production equipment, plating equipment, medical device, healthcare, scientific instrumentation, ink jet printing, packaging and filling machinery, cooling unit, water processing …etc. We are technical oriented marketing company; we always ready to solve customer application at low-pressure fluid line connection questions and problems. Our product lines are listed below:

*最新産品發布 2010-09-26 *管道全自動焊接技術及工藝控制 2010-09-25

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电话:86-20-34800461 传真:86-20-34800460 邮箱:info@otofitting.com 网址:www.otofitting.com
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